In this problem you must implement several functions in Python.
Write a function absValue(x) that,
given a number, returns its absolute value.
Write a function power(x, p) that,
given a number x and a natural p, returns x raised to p, that is, xp.
Write a function isPrime(x) that,
given a natural, returns a Boolean that tells whether it is a prime number or not.
Write a function slowFib(n) that,
returns the n-th element of the Fibonacci sequence
using the recursive algorithm according to its definition
(f(0)=0, f(1)=1, f(n)=f(n−1)+f(n−2) for n≥ 2).
Write a function quickFib(n) that,
returns the n-th element of the Fibonacci sequence
using a faster algorithm.
Each function scores 20 points.
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