Given n weights 20, 21, …, 2n−1, we have to place all the weights on a balance, one after another, in such a way that the right pan is never heavier than the left pan. Please compute the number of ways of doing this.
For example, for n = 2 there are exactly three ways: placing first 2 on the left pan and then 1 on the right pan, placing first 2 on the left pan and then 1 on the left pan, and placing first 1 on the left pan and then 2 on the left pan. Note that, for instance, placing first 1 on the right pan and then 2 on the left pan is an incorrect way, since after placing 1 the right pan is heavier than the left pan.
Input consists of several cases, each with a natural number 1 ≤ n ≤ 106.
For every case, print the number of correct ways modulo 109 + 7.
This problem is basically problem 4 of IMO 2011.
1 2 3 1000000
1 3 15 386044009