Aminoacid Triplets U47389


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Write a program that processes a sequence of cases. Each case consists of three names of aminoacid types A, B, C, followed by a protein (a sequence of aminoacid codes) ended with the word END. For each case, the program must list the triplets of consecutive amioacids in the protein such as the first one belongs to type A, the second to type B, and the third to type C. The total amount of found triplets for each protein must also be printed.

The known aminoacid codes are: ala (alanine), arg (arginine), asn (asparagine), asp (aspartic acid), cys (cysteine), gln (glutamine), glu (glutamic acid), gly (glycine), his (histidine), ile (isoleucine), leu (leucine), lys (lysine), met (methionine), phe (phenylalanine), pro (proline), ser (serine), thr (threonine), trp (tryptophan), tyr (tyrosine), val (valine).

The aminoacid types are:

aliphatic: ['ala', 'gly', 'ile', 'leu', 'pro', 'val']
aromatic: ['phe', 'trp', 'tyr']
acidic: ['asp', 'glu']
basic: ['arg', 'his', 'lys']
hydroxylic: ['ser', 'thr']
sulphur: ['cys', 'met']
amidic: ['asn', 'gln']


The input is a sequence of cases. Each case starts with three aminoacid types. Then, a sequence of aminoacid codes follows, ended with the word END. There are no restrictions on the length of the protein.


The output is, for each case, the list of consecutive triplets matching the three given types, plus the total number of found triplets. Print a blank line after each case. Follow the format of the examples.


Note 1: You can use any data structure you find useful to store which aminoacids belong to which group.
Note 2: Solutions storing the whole aminoacid sequence will receive a severe score penalty.

Public test cases
  • Input

    basic sulphur aliphatic
       phe lys leu tyr val lys met ala val val lys asn his
       arg cys gly ala ala END
    sulphur basic acidic
       lys cys his asp ile glu val pro END
    hydroxylic hydroxylic sulphur
       thr lys glu asp leu gln thr cys thr cys cys tyr thr 
       phe asp his met ser ser END
    amidic acidic amidic
       gln glu gln asn asp asn trp gly pro pro asn val 
       asn glu asn ile ala gln asp gln END
    basic basic basic
       his his arg phe arg lys lys pro END
    sulphur hydroxylic aliphatic
       trp gln trp met thr leu cys asn glu lys glu ala met gln pro 
       asn phe ser lys pro trp lys thr asp met ser gly val cys glu
       thr glu thr tyr phe END


    Triplets basic-sulphur-aliphatic in protein 1:
    lys met ala
    arg cys gly
    Total: 2
    Triplets sulphur-basic-acidic in protein 2:
    cys his asp
    Total: 1
    Triplets hydroxylic-hydroxylic-sulphur in protein 3:
    Total: 0
    Triplets amidic-acidic-amidic in protein 4:
    gln glu gln
    asn asp asn
    asn glu asn
    gln asp gln
    Total: 4
    Triplets basic-basic-basic in protein 5:
    his his arg
    arg lys lys
    Total: 2
    Triplets sulphur-hydroxylic-aliphatic in protein 6:
    met thr leu
    met ser gly
    Total: 2
  • Input

    aliphatic aromatic aliphatic
       ala phe gly trp ile tyr leu phe pro trp val tyr gly END
    aliphatic aliphatic aliphatic
       ala ala gly ile ala ala pro asp gln END


    Triplets aliphatic-aromatic-aliphatic in protein 1:
    ala phe gly
    gly trp ile
    ile tyr leu
    leu phe pro
    pro trp val
    val tyr gly
    Total: 6
    Triplets aliphatic-aliphatic-aliphatic in protein 2:
    ala ala gly
    ala gly ile
    gly ile ala
    ile ala ala
    ala ala pro
    Total: 5
  • Input

    aliphatic hydroxylic acidic
       gly gly ile ser glu lys trp trp lys pro trp thr val thr his END
    hydroxylic acidic aromatic
       thr tyr END
    basic hydroxylic aromatic
       gln END
    basic basic hydroxylic   
       glu tyr cys pro lys tyr his his END
    amidic amidic basic


    Triplets aliphatic-hydroxylic-acidic in protein 1:
    ile ser glu
    Total: 1
    Triplets hydroxylic-acidic-aromatic in protein 2:
    Total: 0
    Triplets basic-hydroxylic-aromatic in protein 3:
    Total: 0
    Triplets basic-basic-hydroxylic in protein 4:
    Total: 0
    Triplets amidic-amidic-basic in protein 5:
    Total: 0
  • Information
    Lluís Padró
    Official solutions
    User solutions