A vector V is a vector that is composed of two parts:
v = x1 x2 x3 x4 … xn y1 y2 y3 … ym |
such that x1 … xn is ordered in a strictly decreasing manner and y1 … ym is ordered in a strictly increasing manner. Furthermore, xn > y1. Finally, we have that n,m > 0. That is, neither part is empty.
We need to implement the function int picV(const vector<int>& v)
with the following specification:
v is a vector V and ∣ v ∣ ≥ 3.
The position of y1 in v.
IMPORTANT: You only need to submit the requested function, and possibly other necessary actions and functions. However, you must keep the type definitions and #include
An undetermined number of vectors V with the following format: an integer indicating their size, and then the vector V. Every vector V has a size greater than or equal to 3.
The position within the vector where y1 is.
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