Array Based Stack with Maximum Capacity X12072


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Modify the ArrayStack implementation included in the Public Files section of the statement so that the stack’s capacity is limited to maxlen elements, where maxlen is an optional parameter to the constructor (that defaults to 0). If push is called when the stack is at full capacity, throw a Full exception (defined similarly to Empty). In order to avoid amortization1, the new implementation of ArrayStack should initialize the underlying list to a list with length equal to the stack’s maximum capacity specified in the call to the constructor.

1. See section 5.3 Dynamic Arrays and Amortization of the book:
M.T. Goodrich, R. Tamassia, and M.H. Goldwasser. Data Structures and Algorithms in Python. Wiley, 2013.

Observation It may be useful to run the program given in the Public Files on the public example (sample-1.inp) without modifying the class ArrayStack, and compare the result with the output the solution to this problem should generate for the same example (i.e. sample-1-cor).

In your implementation of push and pop, make sure the first line is

previous = sys.getsizeof(self._data)

and the last two lines (before return, if the function returns a value) are

    current = sys.getsizeof(self._data)
    ArrayStack._resize_check(previous, current)

You can use the following templates:

  def push(self, e):
    """Add element e to the top of the stack."""
    previous = sys.getsizeof(self._data)
    current = sys.getsizeof(self._data)
    ArrayStack._resize_check(previous, current)

  def pop(self):
    """Remove and return the element from the top of the stack (i.e., LIFO).
    Raise Empty exception if the stack is empty.
    if self.is_empty():
      raise Empty('Stack is empty')
      previous = sys.getsizeof(self._data)
      current = sys.getsizeof(self._data)
      ArrayStack._resize_check(previous, current)
      return val 
Public test cases
  • Input



    len 0
    stack empty
    push error: stack full
    len 0
    top error: stack empty
    len 0
    top error: stack empty
    pop error: stack empty
    pop error: stack empty
    len 0
    top error: stack empty
    len 0
    stack empty
    0 pushed
    1 pushed
    2 pushed
    3 pushed
    4 pushed
    5 pushed
    6 pushed
    push error: stack full
    len 7
    top 6
    6 popped
    len 6
    top 5
    5 popped
    4 popped
    3 popped
    2 popped
    1 popped
    len 1
    top 0
    len 0
    stack empty
    0 pushed
    1 pushed
    2 pushed
    3 pushed
    4 pushed
    push error: stack full
    len 5
    top 4
    4 popped
    len 4
    top 3
    3 popped
    2 popped
    1 popped
    0 popped
    pop error: stack empty
    len 0
    top error: stack empty
  • Information
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