In this exercise we will implement a program that prints real numbers on the output. Due to format and efficiency issues of cin and cout when they manage real numbers, it is convenient to do some things that we explain as follows.
At the beginning of function main you should place these instructions:
ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); cout.setf(ios::fixed); cout.precision(5);
In order to print real numbers on the output, it is convenient to include and use this function:
void printDouble(double d) { if (abs(d) < 1e-7) cout << 0.0; else cout << d; }
Last but not least, do not use endl to print break lines. Use ’\n’ instead, that is:
// This line has been replaced with next one: // cout << endl; cout << '\n';
Note: In this exercise we will speak about positions of particles in a 3-dimensional system, and about their velocities and masses. The reference and units system is not too relevant, as long as the chosen one is more or less standard and reasonable. Just in case someone feels the need, you can imagine that we speak about meters, seconds, meters per second and kilograms.
As input, we will have the position, velocity and mass of n particles (p1,v1,m1),…,(pn,vn,mn). In particular, the first particle is at position p1 at time 0, moves at constant velocity v1, and its mass is m1. Everything is supposed to be represented in a cartesian coordinate system with three dimensions.
Furthermore, we will have k values of time t1,…,tk as input.
We will have to determine the mass center of the n particles after t1 time units, after t1+t2 time units, after t1+t2+t3, …, after t1+⋯+tk time units.
It is compulsory to coherently use the following declarations of types, and implement and coherently use the following functions. Otherwise, the delivery will be invalidated. You can declare more data types and implement more functions if you feel like doing so. That’s actually advisable in this exercise.
struct Point { double x, y, z; }; struct Particle { Point p,v; double m; }; // Pre: // Post: returns the sum of p1 and p2. Point sum(Point p1, Point p2) { //... } // Pre: // Post: returns a times p. Point mul(double a, Point p) { //... }
Note: We strongly advise you to start doing a simple implementation in order to overcome the public tests, and to try to optimise it later on, in order to overcome the private tests as well.
The input has several cases. Each one starts with two positive natural numbers n, k on a first line. Next, n lines come, each describing the position (three integers), velocity (three integers) and mass (a positive natural) of a particle. Finally, k lines come, each with a positive natural that represents an elapsed time.
For each case, at first k lines must be printed, where i’th line contains the mass center (three reals rounded to 5 digits after the decimal point) of all the particles after the sum of the first i elapsed times. Secondly, n lines must be printed, with the positions (three reals rounded to 5 digits after the decimal point) of the particles after the sum of all the elapsed times. Each case is followed by a blank line.
Grading up to 10 points:
We understand as a fast solution one which is correct, with linear cost and which passes the public and private tests. We understand as slow solution one which is not fast, but it is correct and passes the public tests.
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