Second Largest Values X33741


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Write a program that prints the second largest value in each row of a given matrix.

Your solution must meet the following conditions:

  • Write a function
    def second_largest_values(m)
    that receives a matrix of strictly positive integer numbers and returns a list with the second largest value in each row.
  • write a main program that reads a matrix of integers from the input, and prints the second largest values in each row. The program must call the function second_largest_values.


The input is a matrix of strictly positive integers. Each row of the matrix is given in a separate line. All lines have the same amount of elements. Each row contains at least two different values.


The output is the list of the second largest values in each row, in the format shown in the examples.

Public test cases
  • Input

     5 12 23   4
    10  7  6  22
     9 34  1 112  


    second largest in row 0 is 12
    second largest in row 1 is 10
    second largest in row 2 is 34
  • Input

    25 12 23   4  9
    10 22 22   1 22
     3  3  3   2  2
    87 34  1 119 87


    second largest in row 0 is 23
    second largest in row 1 is 10
    second largest in row 2 is 2
    second largest in row 3 is 87
  • Information
    Official solutions
    User solutions