Write a function consec_vow(w) that receives a word (a string consisting only of lowercase letters) and reports the first pair of consecutive vowels found in it (in the standard left-to-right traversal). The output should be a string of length 2 containing the pair of vowels. In case the string does not have consecutive vowels at all, the function must return the 2-letter string ’NO’.
Only the function will be evaluated. If your submission includes a main program (e.g. with testmod), it must be either commented out or inside a condition if __name__ == ’__main__’
>>> consec_vow('myaardvark') 'aa' >>> consec_vow('aeiou') 'ae' >>> consec_vow('') 'NO' >>> consec_vow('supercalifragilisticexpialidocious') 'ia' >>> consec_vow('incomprehensibility') 'NO' >>> 3*consec_vow('ucraine') 'aiaiai'