Using the Card, Deck, Hand, PokerDeck, and PokerHand class definitions, write a Player class, a Game class, and a program to play a simple Poker game with any number of players.
In this simple poker game, each of the players deals a hand from a shuffled deck. Whoever has the highest Poker hand wins.
Your code should work correctly for hands that contain 5 cards.
The input consist of two non-negative integers, the number of players and the number of cards per hand, followed by a shuffled deck of cards.
For each player, print the player and the hand dealt by the player along with its classification, followed by a blank line. Print also the winner of the game.
The number of cards in the shuffled deck is not less than the number of players times the number of cards per hand.
2 5 Ace of Spades Queen of Diamonds Jack of Clubs 6 of Diamonds 5 of Spades 3 of Hearts 6 of Hearts 9 of Hearts Jack of Hearts Ace of Hearts 9 of Diamonds King of Spades King of Hearts Ace of Clubs Ace of Hearts
Player 1 Ace of Hearts Ace of Clubs King of Hearts King of Spades 9 of Diamonds Two pair Player 2 Ace of Hearts Jack of Hearts 9 of Hearts 6 of Hearts 3 of Hearts Flush Winner: Player 2
1 5 Ace of Spades Queen of Diamonds Jack of Clubs 6 of Diamonds 5 of Spades
Player 1 5 of Spades 6 of Diamonds Jack of Clubs Queen of Diamonds Ace of Spades None Winner: Player 1
0 5 Ace of Spades Queen of Diamonds Jack of Clubs 6 of Diamonds 5 of Spades
Winner: None