Design a function busca_dni(lista) that, given a list lista of DNI, checks whether all values are valid (that is, their letters correspond to their numerations and they have the required length). The function must return the first invalid DNI found, or str ok if all are valid. You must use function check_letter(num, letra), which given an int num and a str letra, returns True if the letter corresponds with the number or False otherwise.
def check_letter(num, letra): return letra == 'TRWAGMYFPDXBNJZSQVHLCKE'[num%23]
>>> busca_dni(['12345678Z', '98765432M']) 'ok' >>> busca_dni(['44556677A', '98765432M']) '44556677A' >>> busca_dni(['37485960P', '150150150', '13243546P']) '150150150' >>> busca_dni(['123456S', '13243546P']) '123456S' >>> busca_dni(['98765432M', '1234567890H']) '1234567890H'