The input will be divided in two parts: First, a positive number "N" equal or greater than two that will tell us the number of players to consider. Secondly, "N" lines, each one for a player, in the format: "PLAYER scored G goal(s) and earned S spade(s)" where G and S are both positive numbers, including zero.
The name of the player with most points, followed by the score: PLAYER is the MVP with P points!
If more than one can be selected, the program will just return the code word: DRAW
2 Roger scored 1 goal(s) and earned 3 spade(s) David scored 0 goal(s) and earned 1 spade(s)
Roger is the MVP with 10 points!
3 Abel scored 1 goal(s) and earned 5 spade(s) Adur scored 0 goal(s) and earned 4 spade(s) Ana scored 2 goal(s) and earned 3 spade(s)