In a 2017 German study, researchers at Ruhr-University Bochum compared the ability of gamers and non-gamers to remember information from cue cards and then combine that information to predict weather conditions. The video gamers showed greater retention of the cue card knowledge and made better predictions, especially in conditions of uncertainty.
z = 0 y = 5 x = 0 w = 3 v = 2 u = 7 t = 26 s = 13 r = 26 q = 0 p = 4 o = 23 n = 25 m = 13 l = 4 k = 1 j = 0 i = 22 h = 10 g = 6 f = 6 e = 37 d = 15 c = 14 b = 5 a = 22